School stats: How well are Washington students prepared for the jobs of the future?

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By 2021, 740,000 jobs are expected to open in Washington state. For the most part, employers will likely staff these positions with workers who have completed some formal education beyond high school. But that could cause a disconnect in the Evergreen State, where only 40 percent of high-school graduates ever go on to earn a college degree, apprenticeship or other … Read More

REPORT: 83,000 Washingtonians Work in Clean Energy; Clean energy industry now bigger employer than #Boeing $BA, #Microsoft $MSFT, #Amazon $AMZN

caolsonIn the news

SEATTLE – October 11, 2018 ( Newswire) Nearly 83,000 Washington state residents now work in clean energy, putting the state in the Top 10 in the country for renewable energy employment and making it one of the biggest in the country for energy efficiency jobs. According to a new report from the national nonpartisan business group E2…More

Commentary: Getting students from classroom to workforce

caolsonIn the news

Sharpen the pencils, break out the Bunsen burners, and practice those critical thinking skills. School is back in session. With students having said goodbye to summer and already in classrooms, we want them to know their learning can connect them to many great opportunities that await in Washington state. More…