Commentary: Getting students from classroom to workforce

caolsonIn the news

Sharpen the pencils, break out the Bunsen burners, and practice those critical thinking skills. School is back in session. With students having said goodbye to summer and already in classrooms, we want them to know their learning can connect them to many great opportunities that await in Washington state. More…

Can the Northwest compete in the coming space race?

caolsonIn the news

The Puget Sound region is experiencing a literal “get in on the ground floor” moment as the space economy begins to warm up, and is expected to take off very soon. A study from the Puget Sound Regional Council concludes that “Washington state and the central Puget Sound region are positioned to lead commercial space exploration and development.” The next space race may very well be a regional competition as cities and states compete to become a hub for the space economy. More…

America’s Best and Worst Colleges for Vocational Certificates

caolsonIn the news

Earlier this year, Donald Trump said this to a group of Republican lawmakers: “Today you have community colleges and you have all of the—when I was growing up we had vocational schools . . . You learn mechanical, you learn bricklaying and carpentry and all of these things. We don’t have that very much anymore. More…

Filling in the gaps

caolsonIn the news

New career technical centers being built in Lewiston are aimed at training more students in effort to fill shortage of skilled workers. More…

Do Asphalt Professionals Need a College Education?

caolsonIn the news

There are over 30 million jobs in the USA that pay over $60K a year and a vast number of them are unfilled because today’s youth has been indoctrinated to believe that if you don’t have a college degree, you will struggle to get through life. More…